Thursday, June 1, 2017

The Sugar Shack

Tonight we shared a family style hearty Canadian traditional dinner (and by hearty I mean a lot of meat in many different forms, all of which I ate), at a working maple sugaring farm about an hour outside of Quebec City.  Not only was dinner amazing but there was a two person banjo and fiddle band that got a serious dance party going.  Finally we got to make a traditional maple sugar candy made by dropping warm maple syrup on snow and wrapping it around a popsicle stick where it cools into this amazing gooey candy.  

What do 97, 14 year olds, hopped up on pure maple sugar after a rockin' party look like? Actually, you don't want to know....some things should stay in Canada :)

Here are some pics from our evening:

Ms. Jansen looking perky after 15 hours ...

And thank goodness someone sent the adults like Mrs. Oljey and Mrs. Meno!

Making candy:

Derek C. with some sweet moves on the sugar shack dance floor:

Triton Pride

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Dear Mr. Asselin.....

Remember when you said the kids would fall asleep on the way home??? YOU LIED! Bus 1: