Friday, June 2, 2017

Dear Mr. Asselin.....

Remember when you said the kids would fall asleep on the way home???


Bus 1:

Oh's happening..

An epic song battle between the teachers at the front of the bus on the mic and the back of the bus...

Jacob D. missed out on his moana cameo. can't believe it!

Bus 1 is epic

Funny quotes ....

So the best part of any trip is remembering the funny stuff that are just a few:

1.  That time after a student ( who shall remain nameless) drank a whole glass of maple syrup at the sugar shack and Mrs. O yelling "if ya throw up yah cleanin' it up ya self !"  

2.  That time when approaching the border, Mr. McAdams says "don't worry if we get stopped I'm going to start name dropping.  I know JJ Pollard". Lol who the heck is jj pollard?!

3. That time Mrs. Jansen did the bus count 3 times and got 3 different numbers...I'm pretty sure she blamed the kids too lol..

4. That time the " Zach's " showed up late...oh wait that was every time ....

5.  That time Jim the tour guide told a group of enterprising boys all about how they can construct their own wooden muskets, sling shots, and a device (I forget the name), that can accurately launch a rock and hit a window more than 50ft away (sorry Mr. and Mrs. Liebert, you might want to hide your tools)

6.  That time Mr. McAdams was telling us about the time he crashed his car because he thought he saw a UFO (it was an airplane).  The funny part is he thought it was a UFO because he is genuinely terrified of aliens taking over the earth...

7.  That time when Mr. McAdams ordered a vegetarian breakfast but got delivered a plate with bacon on the side; no big deal that because Ms. Beckwith happily took the bacon off his plate and chowed down, except that moments later the waitress told us that plate was for Mrs. Carncross....well there were 2 small pieces left so I returned them to the plate and passed it down....sorry Nancy...I totally ate your bacon this morning and if you read this you're going to find out....

8.  That time when we tucked the kids in for the night after the boat cruise and all you could smell was feet and cologne in the hallway...

9. That time when we got to the Canadian border and the customs agent asked us, chaperones,if we were all American and we froze and there was dead silence until one of us started mumbling about how yes we were, but wait no because there's a Canadian on board, but he's also American , but we're mostly American, but that kid has a green card so technically we're all Americans.  Yes we're all Americans.  Wait what was the question? #teachersareoverthinkers

10.  That time we taped the doors but used duct tape instead of masking tape and when we undid it the next morning it took the paint off the doors ... #amateurs #blamethekids

Au Revoir Quebec!

Ready to come home but it's hard to say goodbye...

Last Day Pics:

True love:

Mall with an ice rink and amusement park?!  Yes!  I only wish I had gotten a pic of Mr. D ice skating!

Breakfast at the Canadian version of Waffle House where the waffles are draped with baked apples and maple butter syrup #godblesscanada

Quick walk around town before an amazing presentation about the history of the battles to take Quebec City from the French:

We have plastered ourselves in maple leaf wear:

And we bid you farewell Quebec!


I'm sad to say this is our last morning in Quebec but we are filling every moment with history, food, architecture, and fun....

Mrs. Beckwith and Mr. McAdams twinning it:

Some sneaky girls caught Mr. McAdams unaware but he's still looking good!

The boardwalk which has incredible views of the landscape:

We finally learned how to make 2 lines!!! (Sort of) 


Thursday, June 1, 2017

And.....good night...

Sleep tight lovies!

The Sugar Shack

Tonight we shared a family style hearty Canadian traditional dinner (and by hearty I mean a lot of meat in many different forms, all of which I ate), at a working maple sugaring farm about an hour outside of Quebec City.  Not only was dinner amazing but there was a two person banjo and fiddle band that got a serious dance party going.  Finally we got to make a traditional maple sugar candy made by dropping warm maple syrup on snow and wrapping it around a popsicle stick where it cools into this amazing gooey candy.  

What do 97, 14 year olds, hopped up on pure maple sugar after a rockin' party look like? Actually, you don't want to know....some things should stay in Canada :)

Here are some pics from our evening:

Ms. Jansen looking perky after 15 hours ...

And thank goodness someone sent the adults like Mrs. Oljey and Mrs. Meno!

Making candy:

Derek C. with some sweet moves on the sugar shack dance floor:

Triton Pride

Waterfalls....student edition

You can try and escape Cam but you can't hide from my photo ops!

Cam "aw man my mom's gonna see that Ms. Beckwith!"

Ms. Beckwith (laughing evily) " I know"

Most aren't minding it too much though..

Dear Mr. Asselin.....

Remember when you said the kids would fall asleep on the way home??? YOU LIED! Bus 1: